Diane Young Artist

Printmaker ~ Painter ~ Every Picture tells a story ~ Artwork ©Diane Young

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Spare a thought for the Artist….

Christmas Fayres and Art for Sale

When you see artists exhibiting their wares at Christmas Fayres or in the high street hoping to catch customers in the festive season spare a thought not just for the hard work and creativity that goes into their craft.  Some time will have been spent agonising over pricing before an attempt at selling either original work or prints.  Framing is a conundrum, customers like to buy items ready to hang but how do you choose a frame that works with the image and works for the customers taste.

Prints of animals for sale by Diane Young horses dogs cats mice harvey the aardvark

Prints and Cards

With prints and cards there is plenty to frustrate the eager artist.  Enduring a fickle printer is a test of patience when it starts spitting out blank paper or prints which are off centre, the wrong size or the wrong colours and then  horrors of horrors sometimes it will not work at all.

Prints for sale of original paintings of animals  by artist  Diane Young of Stroud UK

Mounts for Prints

Mounting the image is an issue of its own, lining up the print and taping the print, mount and backing board together in a professional looking way before putting into a celophane bag.  By the end of it all the place is littered with off cuts, cut fingers, bits of tape everywhere, torn up prints and hopefully the printer has not been despatched out of the window.  

You may have guessed that I have just completed a printing session ready for a Christmas Fayre at Horseworld Rescue Centre, Bristol, UK next weekend.  Leaflets, notices and business cards are ready printed too.  Just need to pack a blanket, hot water bottle and a flask.

Oh and in case you were wondering the printer is still where it should be, in the studio… 🙂


Santa’s Songbird The Red Cardinal

Two ACEOs inspired by a Poem

Red Cardinal Bird painting inspired by a poem by Diane Young Red Cardinal singing a painting inspired by a poem by Diane Young

The Red Cardinal

I was approached by a poet writing a children’s book using a poem she created about a bright red bird.  She sent me some stanza’s of the said poem and wondered if I might be inspired to create ACEOs with her poem in mind.

The poem “Santa’s Songbird” is about a blessed Red Cardinal, a North American bird rather like the Green Finches of the UK but with feathers of a vibrant red colour.

And so here he is, in all his glory.